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Current Job Openings

    Unfortunately we do not have any job openings at the moment, but we are always interested in receiving unsolicited applications.

    Unsolicited applications

    At MedicoPack, we are always interested in receiving unsolicited applications from enthusiasts who share our visions and values. Your unsolicited application must be marked "unsolicited application" in the subject field and sent to

    When applying for a job at MedicoPack, please send both CV and a motivated application. It is important that you tell us what you can do for MedicoPack.

    Your application will be saved for 6 months.

    Job in the production

    If you want to be a part of the production team, then fill the form below.

    You are also welcome to pick up the application form for production staff from us. Your application will be stored for 6 months.

    Personal data

    Previous jobs

    Working conditions

    (Hygiene, truck etc.)


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    Mea lumina aurea erectos mutastis oppida.

    Ille aer possedit hunc ante regat pace. Liquidum erectos sectamque. Erat ne. Deerat cornua nondum inmensa adsiduis nubibus. Igni caligine nullo fratrum animus litora tanto erat descenderat. Induit campos usu.